Cathianne's Journal:

After lunch, I visited Jongchun's lab at the Innovation Building and had a cup of tea. My bus would be leaving in two hours yet so I still had time for some chats with 남동생 ^^,
A funny incident happened just before we left the building. I was introduced to his adviser and all the while I thought I should just give my name while giving a hand shake. My name sounded like greeting HI to a friend and the professor was a bit shocked and I wondered why he didn't answer back with his name as well. Then Jongchun explained that I was actually introducing my name. WATTANAME to begin with anyway... LOL.
I took my time through the subway station and relaxed. When I got off line 6 at Yaksu Station, I almost went through the exit! I was not myself again and lost in the sounds of my sister's shuffle! Hahah...I went back and looked for the transfer to line 3 where I need to go to make it on time to the bus station. So I had to walk a bit faster this time cos I just lost a few minutes dilly-dallying around the subway. LOL.
I finally exited line 3 Express Bus Terminal Station and started following the crowd again. Because of the crowd, I found a store that was on sale and selling cellphone gadgets and accessories for ladies! It was fun looking at the items only to realize that I was losing time again! Haha! So I hurried to look for the subway's exit. And ooops...I almost went out to the wrong exit again. I had to retrace my steps until I found the escalator where I should be going up! LOL.
After 10 minutes of almost being lost again, I stopped by a hat/cap vendor. I had spare time since the bus platform is already visible from where I was standing. So I took some time looking at the interesting caps and bonnets she's selling until I finally bought one! There were a lot of cute designs and the seller was also making me try all of them. LOL.
I hopped on the bus with my stuff, the shuffle in my ear and the new cap on my head! KKK!^^
I got off at Sejong Campus main gate. I remembered that the Department Secretary told me this morning that my ARC (Alien Registration Card) was already available for pick-up at the main administration building through the Academic Affairs Team. I have never been to that building yet but while I was walking (I was also planning to ask one of the oppas to help me with it but) I also saw the Administration Hall. "There's not much difference between 'hall' and 'building' I guess", I thought and so I went in. Just the right place and the right time, the Academic Affairs Team was just on the ground floor. From the entrance, one has to turn right and look for the door with the Academic Affairs Team sign on it. When I entered, I asked the lady on the first desk about where to get the ARC and the one beside her immediately answered that it's with her. Perfect!^^ The ARC she was holding was also mine (so I guess I was the only foreigner who had that process then? kkk...). For the mailing fee, I paid an additional 4,000krw also. Not bad, at least all I did was submit the requirements for the ARC to my school and they had everything processed. It about two and a half weeks (approx. 10 working days) for my ARC to arrive since I submitted the requirements.
Dinner time! All of us in the lab went out. I only had enough cash for a regular priced meal so I wasn't expecting anything beyond 6,000 krw that night. BUT, when we went out, we didn't go to the cafeteria. We didn't go out to the restaurants near the school either. For the first time, I hopped in GJ oppa's car with Hyunjoo and MJ oppa. (Dude, those were hot wheels! Two-door black sedan! Neat!^^). I loved the sounds as well, at least I could relate with those songs (Jason Mraz, Karina, Hoobastank...) LOL.
So happy that Hyunjoo was there, she ordered for me since I had no preference on the food anyway. Almost all of us had Galbi-tang. KH, Teuk, GJ, MJ, Gwang, Wayne, Jungeol, Changhong, Hyunjoo and I were already seated and waiting for the dishes. Another boiling hot soup! Just before the main dishes were served, the usual appetizers were set on the table. HUGE GREEN CHILIES are dipped in chili pastes and eaten raw! WHOOOOH! I didn't wanna try anymore since the guys seemed to like it a lot anyway. If it was wrapped in cheese sticks I would have eaten them! LOL.
And the orders arrived. One meal costs 7,000 krw and luckily, I had 6pcs of 1,000krw bills and some coins which I believed would make more than a thousand, so I'm ok at least. The soup was delicious as well, and oh so HOT! Almost burned my tongue again! Then I realized that the practice of eating it was really to mix the rice into the bowl of soup! At lunch, I remembered seeing Jongchun, who had the same order as mine, place all his rice into his seolleondang. I just ate the rice separately. Ahhh...Now I know. LOL. After I had half of my rice, I also mixed it with the galbi-tang and indeed, it made the soup cooler somehow that I was able to finish up the whole thing! (tumpak! haha!) And to our surprise, the other student paid for all our meal tonight. Honey and I both had the same reaction that the dinner was expensive, but since it was a treat, then all is good! LOL.

Photo from:
Two Hot Free Meals for My Tuesday!
Korean Soups, Aja!
29 March 2011
Today's Menu:
Lunch: 설렁탕 (seol-leong-dang) - lunch treat from our professor's lab
Dinner: 갈비탕 (galbi-tang) - dinner treat from another phd student
After-dinner: CBTL Cafe Mocha from GJ oppa
I woke up really early to read the assigned pages for today's lecture.
I went to the lab so that I won't be tempted to go back to snoozing again and miss the bus! I won't be missing the bus anymore, not ever the sake of my all-nighters!
I walked to the bus station and bought my ticket.
On the bus now. Gone to Seoul - Gosuk Express Bus Terminal.
I was already in the building and the auditorium was still locked.
Class began. At least today's lecture were not so strange at all, a lot of the terms were familiar. ^^kk
We were dismissed early. My classmates invited me to join them for lunch. It was our professor's treat from their laboratory. 좋은!!! ^^
I met another oppa, Danny, who has already been to the Philippines!!! ^^ He's been to Baguio and Cebu two years ago for vacation. And he learned how to say "PARA". :))
With our professor and with the other graduate and PhD students from our professor's lab, we walked to a restaurant outside the campus. Another new place for me! I've never been to that part of Seoul before so that time, I was lost in directions. =)) So I just kept following them. We went in GOOD RESTAURANT, not sure but that was what was written, I'm not exactly sure if that's the name of the restaurant. Just like most traditional restaurants, shoes off! ^^,
Although I can already read somehow, still slow too, I still cannot understand most of the menu content so they just recommended the seolleongdang for me. When the food has been served, I was hesitant again cos the soup was still boiling! It was HOOOOOT! Haha! Although it's really 맛있 다, I had to eat slowly and blow the soup before sipping or else my tongue will get burned! T_____T"
Anyhow, it was NAMIT, SARAP, DELICIOSO, délicieux, 맛있 다!!! ^^
I woke up really early to read the assigned pages for today's lecture.
I went to the lab so that I won't be tempted to go back to snoozing again and miss the bus! I won't be missing the bus anymore, not ever the sake of my all-nighters!
I walked to the bus station and bought my ticket.
On the bus now. Gone to Seoul - Gosuk Express Bus Terminal.
I was already in the building and the auditorium was still locked.
Class began. At least today's lecture were not so strange at all, a lot of the terms were familiar. ^^kk
We were dismissed early. My classmates invited me to join them for lunch. It was our professor's treat from their laboratory. 좋은!!! ^^
I met another oppa, Danny, who has already been to the Philippines!!! ^^ He's been to Baguio and Cebu two years ago for vacation. And he learned how to say "PARA". :))
With our professor and with the other graduate and PhD students from our professor's lab, we walked to a restaurant outside the campus. Another new place for me! I've never been to that part of Seoul before so that time, I was lost in directions. =)) So I just kept following them. We went in GOOD RESTAURANT, not sure but that was what was written, I'm not exactly sure if that's the name of the restaurant. Just like most traditional restaurants, shoes off! ^^,
Although I can already read somehow, still slow too, I still cannot understand most of the menu content so they just recommended the seolleongdang for me. When the food has been served, I was hesitant again cos the soup was still boiling! It was HOOOOOT! Haha! Although it's really 맛있 다, I had to eat slowly and blow the soup before sipping or else my tongue will get burned! T_____T"
Anyhow, it was NAMIT, SARAP, DELICIOSO, délicieux, 맛있 다!!! ^^
Photo from:
After lunch, I visited Jongchun's lab at the Innovation Building and had a cup of tea. My bus would be leaving in two hours yet so I still had time for some chats with 남동생 ^^,
A funny incident happened just before we left the building. I was introduced to his adviser and all the while I thought I should just give my name while giving a hand shake. My name sounded like greeting HI to a friend and the professor was a bit shocked and I wondered why he didn't answer back with his name as well. Then Jongchun explained that I was actually introducing my name. WATTANAME to begin with anyway... LOL.
I took my time through the subway station and relaxed. When I got off line 6 at Yaksu Station, I almost went through the exit! I was not myself again and lost in the sounds of my sister's shuffle! Hahah...I went back and looked for the transfer to line 3 where I need to go to make it on time to the bus station. So I had to walk a bit faster this time cos I just lost a few minutes dilly-dallying around the subway. LOL.
I finally exited line 3 Express Bus Terminal Station and started following the crowd again. Because of the crowd, I found a store that was on sale and selling cellphone gadgets and accessories for ladies! It was fun looking at the items only to realize that I was losing time again! Haha! So I hurried to look for the subway's exit. And ooops...I almost went out to the wrong exit again. I had to retrace my steps until I found the escalator where I should be going up! LOL.
After 10 minutes of almost being lost again, I stopped by a hat/cap vendor. I had spare time since the bus platform is already visible from where I was standing. So I took some time looking at the interesting caps and bonnets she's selling until I finally bought one! There were a lot of cute designs and the seller was also making me try all of them. LOL.
I hopped on the bus with my stuff, the shuffle in my ear and the new cap on my head! KKK!^^
I got off at Sejong Campus main gate. I remembered that the Department Secretary told me this morning that my ARC (Alien Registration Card) was already available for pick-up at the main administration building through the Academic Affairs Team. I have never been to that building yet but while I was walking (I was also planning to ask one of the oppas to help me with it but) I also saw the Administration Hall. "There's not much difference between 'hall' and 'building' I guess", I thought and so I went in. Just the right place and the right time, the Academic Affairs Team was just on the ground floor. From the entrance, one has to turn right and look for the door with the Academic Affairs Team sign on it. When I entered, I asked the lady on the first desk about where to get the ARC and the one beside her immediately answered that it's with her. Perfect!^^ The ARC she was holding was also mine (so I guess I was the only foreigner who had that process then? kkk...). For the mailing fee, I paid an additional 4,000krw also. Not bad, at least all I did was submit the requirements for the ARC to my school and they had everything processed. It about two and a half weeks (approx. 10 working days) for my ARC to arrive since I submitted the requirements.
Dinner time! All of us in the lab went out. I only had enough cash for a regular priced meal so I wasn't expecting anything beyond 6,000 krw that night. BUT, when we went out, we didn't go to the cafeteria. We didn't go out to the restaurants near the school either. For the first time, I hopped in GJ oppa's car with Hyunjoo and MJ oppa. (Dude, those were hot wheels! Two-door black sedan! Neat!^^). I loved the sounds as well, at least I could relate with those songs (Jason Mraz, Karina, Hoobastank...) LOL.
So happy that Hyunjoo was there, she ordered for me since I had no preference on the food anyway. Almost all of us had Galbi-tang. KH, Teuk, GJ, MJ, Gwang, Wayne, Jungeol, Changhong, Hyunjoo and I were already seated and waiting for the dishes. Another boiling hot soup! Just before the main dishes were served, the usual appetizers were set on the table. HUGE GREEN CHILIES are dipped in chili pastes and eaten raw! WHOOOOH! I didn't wanna try anymore since the guys seemed to like it a lot anyway. If it was wrapped in cheese sticks I would have eaten them! LOL.
And the orders arrived. One meal costs 7,000 krw and luckily, I had 6pcs of 1,000krw bills and some coins which I believed would make more than a thousand, so I'm ok at least. The soup was delicious as well, and oh so HOT! Almost burned my tongue again! Then I realized that the practice of eating it was really to mix the rice into the bowl of soup! At lunch, I remembered seeing Jongchun, who had the same order as mine, place all his rice into his seolleondang. I just ate the rice separately. Ahhh...Now I know. LOL. After I had half of my rice, I also mixed it with the galbi-tang and indeed, it made the soup cooler somehow that I was able to finish up the whole thing! (tumpak! haha!) And to our surprise, the other student paid for all our meal tonight. Honey and I both had the same reaction that the dinner was expensive, but since it was a treat, then all is good! LOL.
Photo from:
Upon reaching the campus, I had a last song syndrome of Karina's "Slow Motion", the last song I heard in oppa's car when we got off. Then he was directing us to go to Coffee Bean. Oh no. I looked at Hyunjoo and both of us were like "another expense???" T___T" Since I still had some cash, I ordered cafe mocha hot since it was only for 4,500 krw for the regular one. MJ oppa was teasing Hyunjoo that she could not reach the floor with her toes if she sat on the high stool. And we played with some pump / air regulator for the burette (we didn't know what it was called) while waiting for our coffees. Then suddenly, GJ and the other oppas went out already after getting the orders. So it's free! It's been paid already! Another free CBTL tonight! Thanks to oppa (whoever among them paid for it), Hyunjoo and I didn't even know. ^^,
Girly Talk
30 March 2011
It was already past midnight when I went back to my dormitory at Justice Building. Then Hyunjoo messaged me to visit her room at the 3rd floor and she gave me an orange. It was my first time to actually go up the staircase and see the other floors. I stay at the ground floor and the rooms are for two people with a private shower per room. But in the upper floors, they had a common bathroom and study area and each room had four people. The room is spacious at least compared to my room and how the fixtures and furnitures were arranges were a lot better in spacing compared to my room. At least now I've seen most of the dormitory. Hyunjoo and I went out to the terrace for some talk and since she wanted to smoke. We also went in their room where I met her three roommates. One of them spoke English well. They were all nice and all seemed to be busy with their laptops either typing, doing homework, or playing some games. LOL.
I used the elevator for the first time and went back to my room to sleep. LOL.
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